Pray Request

by Ghazal A

We humbly come before you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, with a heartfelt plea for your prayers and intercession. Our faith community, as refugees in Turkey, is facing a challenging situation that requires the strength and support of the Body of Christ.

Recently, someone informed all the neighbors surrounding our church that it serves as a place of worship. This revelation has led to a series of complaints from the neighbors, which in turn has reached the ears of our landlord. Regrettably, the landlord has expressed his concern and has requested that we vacate the premises.

The weight of this situation bears heavily upon us, as we find ourselves in an uncertain and difficult position. Our desire to worship and gather as a community, to seek solace and hope in the presence of God, has been met with opposition and challenges. We understand that this opposition arises from a lack of understanding and perhaps even fear.

In the face of these obstacles, we implore you to join us in fervent prayer. Pray that God, in His infinite wisdom and compassion, would soften the hearts of our neighbors and our landlord. May He grant them understanding, empathy, and a willingness to dialogue with us, that they may come to see the value and importance of our faith community in their midst.

We ask for God’s divine intervention and guidance, that He may open doors for us and provide a solution that allows us to continue our worship and fellowship unhindered. May He provide us with a safe and welcoming place where we can gather, grow in our faith, and support one another as we navigate the challenges of being refugees in a foreign land.

Furthermore, we seek strength and resilience in these trying times. Pray that God would sustain our faith community, infuse us with His peace and hope, and grant us wisdom as we navigate through the complexities of this situation. May He grant us the discernment to respond with grace and love, even in the face of adversity, that His light may shine through us and touch the lives of those around us.

We are grateful for your prayers, knowing that as we unite in spirit, the power of God’s love and grace is multiplied. Together, let us lift our voices in prayer, believing that our Heavenly Father hears our petitions and is actively working on our behalf.

May God’s favor be upon us, may His protection surround us, and may His divine intervention bring about a resolution that allows our community to continue worshiping and serving Him without hindrance. We place our trust in Him, knowing that He is faithful and that He will never leave nor forsake us.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer and for supporting us in this time of need. May the unity of the Body of Christ be a testament to God’s love and grace, and may His purposes be fulfilled in our lives and in the lives of those we encounter.

With heartfelt gratitude,


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