thank you letter

by Harpak

Dear members of the GMU university and Koinonia education
This is Harpak hosseinkhanihezaveh. Senior student of M.Div in grace mission university. I am writing this letter to thank you for our scholarship.
I would like to take this opportunity and thank you sincerely for the scholarship. Without your generous scholarship, In the last five months, I was sick and was hospitalized for a while, but God placed it in my heart to start a home church in a small town in Turkey where my wife and I are refugees. The university guided us with their advice. I taught refugees with a mission in Turkey but unfortunately, as long as we started our home church they didn’t let me continue my cooperation. they look at me as competitive. If this thing happened to me two years ago surely I will be upset and anxious, but as I grow a lot spiritually on this path I didn’t become hopeless or angry. This is the spiritual fruit for me. and this wasn’t happening if you didn’t help me to study at Gmu. I have so many testimonies and I feel God’s presence in my life every day. Two months have passed since the planting of our small church, and with the prayers of the professors and members of the church, in the name of Jesus Christ, I was healed. Please pray for our church members and our home church to grow in Jesus’s name..
Thank you once again. I hope to become a good pastor upon graduating from GMU university. The financial assistance you provided will be of great help to me in paying my educational expenses, and it will allow me to concentrate more of my time on studying.
God bless you
Harpak Hosseinkhanihezaveh

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