A Lovely Land Ruled by a Lost Nation!

by Zhyar Mehr

In terms of God-given beauty, rich history, literature, and ethnic diversity, my country, Afghanistan, is one of the most beautiful in Asia. After two centuries of battles with Arab invaders, this lovely area was finally conquered by Muslims. Due to a lack of cooperation among the freedom fighters, the Arabs were able to subdue them all. The Arabs and their successor Turkic Sultans closed the door to tolerance and convergence for non-Muslim citizens, and the people of my region were forced to convert in a terrible manner.

Muslims forbade Christianity, as well as other religions. The Holy Father’s earthly dominion did not exist on the region that is today known as Afghanistan. According to historical evidence, Muslim caliphs and Sultans opposed and repressed Christians more than others. Unfortunately, a lovely land was kept in the dark, and generations were denied the “Good News” that the Son brought to earth. Like the sterile seeds on the rocks and in the woods, my forefathers vanished in the heat of futility.

I sincerely hope that this never happens again in the centuries to come, for this nation desperately needs a savior. A lovely nation created by the Lord does not deserve to be lost and to dwell in perpetual deprivation and scarcity of Jesus Christ’s holiness.

Blessings, orders, patience, and harmony, I believe, occur in the presence of God’s kingdom on earth. The glory of God saves people, and it shines brightly in every aspect of their lives. Because Jesus is the shepherd and believers are the sheep, there is no harm done to one another. The Gospels soften the hearts of Christians and turn them into God-fearing individuals, while Jesus keeps the herds safe and secure.

Sheep do not exist in my nation. By Islamic philosophy/ideology, everyone has turned to predators, wolves, and their clergies have drawn the manner of life to the masses in accordance with Islamic Quran and Hadiths.

The residents/occupants of a house give it its splendor by their prayers and faith, which should be sincere faith in Jesus Christ. However, praying before idols and false prophets other than Jesus Christ, as is tragically happening in my country, would be impossible to restore order and tranquility in the hearts and minds.

Let us pray that God’s kingdom will come to Afghanistan, with a plethora of churches and millions of Christians!

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, an all these things will be given to you as well”. Matthew 6:33


In Him


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