Happy Nowruz

by Harpak

Nature ” renewal ‘happens every year, but what about man? Do we not change? Do we not change mentally and physically? There is no doubt that we will change. I am not a Nowruz person last year; Neither are you. But the crucial question is whether this change is positive or negative. Like plant nature, do we ‘become new’ or just change? This question leads us to this year’s message for Nowruz, which is: ‘New year, new mind!’ The apostle Paul says, ‘In the light of God’s mercy, I beseech you that. . . Do not become like this age anymore, but change as your mind renews. ‘ (Romans 12: 1-2). How interesting it is that Paul, the eminent apostle of Christ, who was chosen by him to convey the changing message of the gospel to all parts of the civilized world of that day, ‘prays’ instead of commanding or ruling. But what is he ‘calling for’? To help him financially? Not! So that believers in Christ may no longer be ‘in the likeness of this age.’ In the rest of this article, we will examine the various parts of these verses word for word to better understand the purpose of this holy messenger of Christ.

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