Healing for Damaged Emotions- Chapter 1

by Ghazal A

The second text book for Marriage and family course is Healing for Damaged Emotions. here what I got from the first chapter:

             It’s important to understand that sometimes we had not allowed others to change in our mind. We don’t let them to change. We’re frizzing them in one stage and don’t let them grow.               

            There is a realm of problems that requires a special kind of prayer and deeper level of healing by the spirit. Were like trees. As we can understand about the history of a tree by seeing the rings all over it. We as humans have those layers inside ourselves. We can go through them due counseling. There is a record in our circles of thoughts and feelings.

            Memories are recorded and everyone is alive, and they directly and profoundly affect our concepts, feelings, and relationships.  They affect our view of life and God, others and ourselves.  Preachers often give people the misconception that the new birth and the “filling of the soul” automatically take care of these emotional problems we have to allow holy spirit to work and heal us , we have to be careful to not judging people, and be patient with other confusions. And the most important is to understanding that salvation does not give instant emotional health offers.

            Through Matthew 7:20 it’s true that by others fruit we can know others, but it is also true that by our roots we have to understand and not judge.

            There are some scars that we have to let Holy Spirit to heal them but definitely it will not heal by a night.

            This book will help us to understand the biblical way and suggestions for healing the damaged emotions.

            The general, biblical principal for healing damages emotions:

  • Face your problem squarely.( confess- James 5:16)
  • Accept your responsibility in the matter.
  • Ask yourself if you want to be healed.
  • Forgive everyone who is involved in your problem.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to show your real problems is and how you need to pray. Rom 8:26

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