The Gospel of John

by Peyman Nemati


Tradition has held that the Gospel of John was written by the apostle John.

Internal evidence: the author was an eyewitness of Jesus’s ministry.  (1:14) The writer displays a Semitic style of writing. The writer displays a familiarity with Jewish customs (water pouring) and topography (the pool with the five porches). The writer claims to be the “disciple whom Jesus loved”.


Many critics claim that the Gospel of John was written in the mid second century. The discovery of the Ryland’s papyrus means that it was written prior to 135 AD. A probable dating of writing would between 90 AD and 110 AD. Although some elements would put it closer to 70 AD.


The author clearly defines the purpose of the Gospel as being “these things have been written so that you may believe”.


The Gospel of John shows Jesus as the Son of God. It also reveals the nature and character of Jesus. This is illustrated in the “I am” sayings.

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