I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

by Koinonia Guest

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:6

John 14: 6 [TPT] Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth,[a] and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father[b] except through union with me.[c] To know me is to know my Father too.”

The “I am” declarations of Jesus angered the Pharisees, but, for His disciples, “I am” was embraced as an invitation to personal redemption. With each, “I am”, Jesus revealed something and offered something. The Gospel of John records several “I am” sayings. Each of the sayings illustrates a part of the nature and claims of Jesus Christ. The saying selected for this article is “I am the way, the truth, and the life”. The focus will be on four elements that are revealed in John 14:6.

But before we look at the four elements, a word about how this verse is translated from the original Koine Greek into English. 

One difficulty in translating from Koine Greek to English is communicating emphasis. Literally the translation of the verse would be “I, I am the way, the truth and the life”. Now, as we read this in English, we can observe the emphatic nature of Jesus’s statement. The emphasis involved in this statement is further highlighted using the definite article “the” rather than just the indefinite article “a”. (Jesus said “the way” not “a way”). So, I will use a line under the article to communicate the emphasis. “I, I am the way, the truth and the life”.

Four Keys to Understanding the “I am” Declaration in John 14:6

The first element is seen in Jesus’s opening repetitious words, “I, I am”. In speaking these words to the Jewish audience, Jesus clearly associates himself with the words from Exodus 3:14. God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” The use of the “I, I am” statement illustrates Jesus’s claim to be speaking with an authoritative force that comes from the throne of God. This is an unequivocal claim that the elements of this statement are in fact a part of Jesus’s divine nature and character.

The second element is the claim of “the way”. In the New Testament narrative, the concept of “the way” is used to describe the paths or journey that leads to salvation and eternal life. Here Jesus claims to be the only “way” or “path” that enables mankind to be restored in their relationship with God. This claim sets Christianity apart from all other religions. It is a claim of exclusivity. A unique dichotomy that while Christianity is exclusive, “the way“, it is inclusive.  Inclusive because any human being may accept Jesus’s offer of salvation. Jesus is “the way” because through His sacrifice upon the cross, restoration of our relationship with God is now possible.

The third element is the claim of “the truth”. Not a truth but “the truth”. By His very nature Jesus can only speak the truth. Everything that Jesus says or does is true. Every word and action reflect the reality of the Kingdom of God. This stands in stark contrast to the pronouncements of many today, who argue that everyone has their own “truth”. In the presence of Jesus all false claims and deceptions fall away. As Christians we can place our trust in His word because Jesus can only speak “the truth”.

The fourth element is “the life“. By using the definitive article Jesus draws attention to the meaning or type of life. As in other parts of the Gospel of John, it is a contrast between temporal life and eternal life. Throughout history, mankind has sought to hold on to life or discover the secret to eternal life (immortality). Books have been written and movies made on man’s search to discover the source of eternal life. However, one person stands before all mankind. The risen Lord, Jesus Christ. The life that he offers is eternal life because He is eternal life. 


When Jesus comes to live in us, we are filled with His eternal life. As the Gospel of John records, “rivers of living water” will flow from us. As the life of God flows from us, the living gospel [good news] will affect the lives of those with whom we share our temporal lives.  This is the truth, because Jesus is the “I am, that I am” – God Himself! 

Teaching Article Written – May 2021

©2021- Brian K. Trott

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Ghazal A May 20, 2021 - 11:51 am


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